Learn aboutDigital Champions

The award-winning program originated in the United Kingdom. With its proven track record and success, the prototype was embraced and adopted by GEO Nova Scotia to help Canadians who are still lacking the essential digital skills and confidence to navigate the online world. Through this two-hour interactive workshop you will be provided with access to the training, resources, and tools needed to support participants one-on-one to use the Internet confidently and safely.

Digital Champions come from many sectors. Whether you’re working or volunteering for a community organization, in the settlement sector, private sector or in government, the unique ability to transform lives through digital inclusion is what makes a Digital Champion a Digital Champion.

Thanks to funding from the Digital Literacy Exchange Program (DLEP), a diverse range of newcomers will learn to use the Internet and build their digital skills. Over the next two years, thousands of people from newcomer organizations will be trained to support their clients.

Together we are closing the digital divide and transforming lives through Digital Inclusion.

What is a

Digital Champion?

Are you eager to help others, a good listener, someone who can explain things in simple terms?

Are you patient and ready to help someone one-on-one to be online?

Do you understand people’s interests and motivations for learning?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you’re ready to start your journey!